Should You Be Preparing Your Vehicles for Winter?

With our unusually warm temperatures in November, it feels a little odd to be preparing for the cold months, doesn’t it? But November is the perfect time to start winterizing your vehicles because you don’t want to be caught unprepared when temperatures drop overnight.


Here are some of the items we check on your vehicle to make certain it is prepared for Winter:


Check the brakes.

Our team of auto mechanics will inspect your brakes to make certain you can stop quickly and safely. Brakes are your number one safety system on your vehicle, so it’s important to make sure the brake pads are thick enough, your brake rotors are in great shape, and that your brake sensors are operating properly.


Check all filters.

During Fall, the filters in your vehicle can get dirty with the fallen leaves and extra pollen. We will inspect the air filters so you, your passengers, and your engine can all breathe easier.


Check the plugs.

Gaskets and rubber plugs can wear out and crack over time. The European Automotive Specialists team will check the plugs in your vehicle to make certain there are no oil or fluid leaks. Not only does checking the plugs help you save money on fuel, but it also helps to protect the environment.


Inspect all fluids.

When fluids lose their viscosity or become too dirty, they lose their effectiveness in keeping your engine hydrated. Our team will inspect your vehicle’s fluids to see if they need to be replaced.


Check all tires.

We will inspect your tires to make sure they have enough tread to handle the rain, snow, ice, and other hazards. Plus, we’ll switch out your warm weather tires to winter tires so your vehicle can maneuver the winter roads.


When you come to European Automotive Specialists in Decatur, GA, we do our best to create a positive, stress-free customer service experience for each customer. We strive to always deliver on time, communicate clearly and frequently about the status of your vehicle, and to gain your trust. If you have questions about preparing your vehicles for Winter, please contact us by calling 404-341-4978, or schedule an appointment with us online. You’ll be glad you did.

